
You will have a Pisces zodiac star sign if you’re born between February 18 – March 20. Pisces is the twelfth astrological sign under the zodiac. Symbol: FishElement: WaterRuling planet: Neptune Personality traits: Strengths: Compassionate Pisces make amazing friends or lovers because they have a lot of empathy and compassion for others. They like to …

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You will have a Aquarius zodiac star sign if you’re born between January 19 – February 18. Aquarius is the eleventh star sign under the zodiac. Symbol: Water BearerElement: AirRuling Planet: Uranus Personality traits: Strengths: Positive Positivity is a huge part of an Aquarians personality. They try to see the good in everyone and everything. …

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You will have a Capricorn zodiac star sign if you’re born between December 21 – January 20. Capricorn is the tenth astrological sign under the zodiac. Symbol: Sea-GoatElement: EarthRuling planet: Saturn Personality traits: Strengths: Organised From an outside perspective, Capricorns will seem like they have their lives together. And this is without a doubt down …

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You will have a Sagittarius zodiac star sign if you’re born between November 22 – December 21. Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign under the zodiac. Symbol: ArcherElement: FireRuling planet: Jupiter Personality traits: Strengths: Independent Let’s get one thing straight, a Sagittarius doesn’t need anybody. They are naturally very independent people and have no problem …

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You will have a Scorpio zodiac star sign if you’re born between October 23 – November 22. Virgo is the eighth astrological sign under the zodiac. Symbol: ScorpionElement: WaterRuling planet: Mars/Pluto Personality traits: Strengths: Brave If you ever find yourself in a spot of trouble, you better hope for a Scorpios at your side! They …

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You will have a Virgo zodiac star sign if you’re born between August 22- September 22. Virgo is the sixth astrological sign under the zodiac. Symbol: MaidenElement: EarthRuling planet: Mercury Personality traits: Strengths: Hard-Working Virgos are not shy around hard work. They understand that the key to success is working hard towards your goals. They …

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Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the Zodiac. You will have a Libra birthday if you are born between September 23 – October 23. Symbol: balanced scalesElement: AirRuling planet: Venus Personality traits: Strengths: Diplomatic Libras are great at controlling situations in a way that doesn’t upset or offend anyone. They are natural peacekeepers as …

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You will have a Leo zodiac star sign if you’re born between July 22 – August 22. Leo is the fifth astrological sign under the zodiac. Symbol: LionElement: FireRuling planet: Sun Personality traits: Strenghts: Hard-Working Virgos are not worried about hard work. They understand that the key to success is working hard towards your goals. …

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